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Epson Business Machines
Better Products for a Better Future

Epson BIJ products reduce consumables by up to 96% and significantly reduce waste.
As inkjet printers use no heat in the printing process, they consume far less power than laser printers, which in turn reduces the running cost.
With up to 83% lower energy consumption, and so much less waste, the results speak for themselves.
Based on 2018 sales of Epson, we saved our customers €15.4 million in energy costs, and 37,573 tonnes of CO2

There's no compromise with Epson business imaging products
With the world gripped by crisis, sustainability is more important now than ever before - check out our new blog

High-yield cartridges or bags hold more ink than laser supplies so create much less waste than lasers and copiers.
Heat-Free technology means fewer parts fail, and therefore less need replacing – lessening the impact on the environment.

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